The Fertility Mind Podcast
Welcome to my podcast. I share Raw, unfiltered stories of the Infertility world. Throughout the episodes, I share my own success with IVF, and you will hear from my guests about their success in the Fertility world. I will also share tools and techniques of Mindset and Manifestation. I have first-hand experience with how mindset and Manifestation changed the trajectory of my journey. I have since then applied this to every area of my life, and the transformation is beautiful. I know this is just the beginning. This podcast means so much to me because, In 2014, I found myself in the middle of the Fertility world, feeling alone and searching for hope. Everywhere I searched on social media, looking for a connection with others on the same infertility journey, I only found dwindling hope. In 2019, when I entered the Fertility world again, I reached out on social media, but it only seemed worse. It became my mission to spread hope with success stories, have open conversations about medical protocols and create connections. A positive community for others to feel supported, uplifted, and know they are not alone.
The Fertility Mind Podcast
S2 | E17 Mindset is Everything with Katie Yezek
Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!
When Katie Yezek triumphed over a harrowing health diagnosis, she didn't just reclaim her life—she redefined it. Her story unfolds in our latest episode.
Together, we chart the course of transformation, where belief is the compass and action is the wind in our sails. Embrace how personal struggles can morph into unparalleled strength and purpose. This episode is a heartfelt tribute to the indomitable human spirit and a call to action for all our listeners: to the tools of mindset and manifestation in steering the ship of your life toward the shores of abundance and fulfillment. Share in the celebration of healing and inspiration with Katie Yazik—and let her story illuminate your path.
Connect with Katie:
Katie is a Manifestation Mentor, a mom, and a wife. She is a true light and gift in the world.
Instagram - Katie
In Love, Light and Gratitude
Jessica xxx
Email - jessica@thefertilitymind.com
Website - https://www.thefertilitymind.com
Amazon Store - https://www.amazon.com/author/thefertilitymind
Welcome to the Fertility Mind Podcast. I am your host, jessica Friesen, a certified fertility mindset coach, a sound healer and an international best-selling author. My mission for this podcast is to give you weekly episodes where you hear my own success with IVF and how mindset and manifestation changed it all for me. You will also hear from my guests who share their success stories in the fertility world. I want you to know that you are not alone. Even when things feel tough and when things feel like they aren't going your way. The tools and techniques you will get in this podcast, I know, can change everything for you too. So thanks for being here with me today and let's dive in. Hello and welcome back.
Speaker 1:Today I have a special guest with me. I've got Katie Yazik. Katie is such an amazing, incredible person and soul and I feel so blessed that our paths have crossed and that we got to meet in person and also just get to connect while we did our coaching program alongside each other and watching her transformation has been absolutely incredible. How she has taken mindset and manifestation and the unfolding of her goals, desires and dreams are just evidence every single day of what the study of you and mindset and manifestation truly allows your goals, desires and dreams to really come about. So, if you will, katie, please take it away and give us an introduction.
Speaker 2:I would love to introduce myself. So I am Katie Yezik. I am a mindset and manifestation mentor within Kathleen Cameron's Diamond Academy team. I am a mother of two gorgeous, fun, just creative, incredible children. I have a daughter who is 10 and my son just turned nine yesterday. I should introduce them as professional dancer and professional soccer player, because this is what they're going for and I know that they're going to do it because they've got the mindset for it. But also, I am a wife. I've been married for 18 years. We just celebrated our anniversary on the 5th and my life has been unfolding in the most incredible, beautiful way.
Speaker 2:But in order to get here, I went through quite an intense experience. So I can share about that if you want. Sure, okay, all right, sure, okay, all right. So I'm going to take us back to really after the birth of my second child, jackson.
Speaker 2:But I had postpartum depression after him. I didn't recognize it at the time and I didn't ask for help with my husband for probably four years because I felt like I was. It was my job, I was the stay-at-home mom. He needed his brain and I became a zombie and just really. I'm a very bright, happy light, but my light was very dim and I was looking for ways outside of my house, outside of wine, to numb me, to find me again. So I found Zumba dance. And I was living in a lot of fear as well because of Jackson's food allergy and telling myself that I had to be home, I had to take care of him, like oh my God, he might die in daycare and these things, and it was just scary. So I found Zumba and I started this incredible journey of dancing with the lights on, with a bunch of different people in the room, like you're on a cruise ship, with like grandma who's twerking. You know, it was the best and it was so freeing and these women just didn't care. It was like your inhibitions were just not there and it was fun and it was. It involved no wine, you know, and I liked that because that's what I was looking for. Anyway, about a year in, I that was helping me, helping me to get out of the anxiety and the depression. Definitely it was slowly helping me because it was twice a week, right.
Speaker 2:But about a year in, I injured my heel and it was a blessing but it was really scary. So there was this dance instructor that was next to me and she was getting it, and so I decided that I was going to get it too, like I was really going to go hard on this dance move. Well, ended up injuring my heel and went to a doctor, a podiatrist and because my body like went crazy, my heel blew up and she did all kinds of tests and it came back that I had complex regional pain syndrome. In the end she gave me medicine I'll tell you what that is but she gave me steroids and ibuprofen and I was medicated for about a month and within that time my limbs started turning purple. My hair started falling out. I am a thin woman and I lost 15 pounds. Wow, I had rashes all over my body. I had heart palpitations. I really thought I might die like purple limbs. It was just scary.
Speaker 2:God was working in my life and kept kind of in the back of my mind. It was like I keep going. So these doctors that would. They kept diagnosing me with different auto-immunes. They kept saying, well, you're just going to have this for forever. It's complex regional pain syndrome. You have pain in all your limbs and I'm really sorry, it's awful, but you'll have to deal with it. I just thought no, like no, I'm not doing that, we're not doing this, I'm going to find someone else. So I just kept digging and different doctors, different diagnoses. I finally ended up firing the doctors because I kept hearing that whatever from God, universe, spirit, whatever you believe in, I say God.
Speaker 2:And I hired a coach and he started on mindfulness and meditation and food, very heavy on food. But food was my path of least resistance at the time to heal. Like I thought, yeah, that makes sense, I can, I can control that. And so it was. About six weeks was my journey with him and it got me on the right path. But I kept seeing these other doctors sort of in. So I was still kind of in the in-between stage of am I fully in faith with this or do I need these other people? But when I finally let go of all the doctors, I hired this other coach and she was all in on there's no autoimmune, the body does not attack itself.
Speaker 2:Anthony Williams method this is what I use again, my path of least resistance of healing. And it was basically that I had Epstein-Barr virus this is what I came to believe at the time and that I could heal it through food, again as medicine. So I went all in on that. I started seeing incredible progress. She brought in different things like mindfulness, meditation, the power of the mind, tapping, grounding, you name it. I was open, I was going to do it.
Speaker 2:So much good came from it, but there was still an underlying energy of fear around food. Did I have to eat in this box for the rest of my life in order to not have this pain? And I didn't want that. I wanted freedom. I wanted the freedom to choose if I want to eat a certain way because I love it, versus I can't have that because it might kill me. You know cause fear is fear. But it was all meant to happen this way, cause I would not have heard that the mind controls matter and that we are connected to a larger source and we could heal ourselves from anything. I needed this food journey to take me there. I know this is the long one, but I'm giving you like the full Monty.
Speaker 1:I'm giving you all of it. Keep going. I love this.
Speaker 2:Good, okay. So I ended up listening to a Bob Croctor free course. It was a three-day live event and I was like, oh my gosh, really, like this makes total sense. He was talking about really, how the thoughts that we think make our body feel a certain way control the energy, the chemistry in our body and we take action as a result. And I was thinking wow, because I had been on this journey and in all these groups where people were just talking about sickness and all this pain and all the negative things that they and they weren't getting out of the cycle, and I knew intuitively that I didn't. It didn't feel good. So I found Bob, I found this freedom and I thought, ok, I'm going to start like binging on him.
Speaker 2:Well, the next month he had another event I signed up for and Kathleen Cameron was on the event and she was featured and she's now my mentor, just so y'all know who I work for now. But she was speaking right to my soul and my soul was like she's the one she's going to take you to freedom. And it was so weird because it's this woman who's in Canada. I didn't know anything besides this, I don't know, maybe 30 minute interview. It touched my soul and I thought I'm going to work with her one day.
Speaker 2:Right, and I'm in North Carolina, y'all just so you know like so new to this, but I just knew, I intuitively felt it. So she had this YouTube and it was her and her daughters and she was just talking about them and I commented on it in April 2021. And I said I will work with you, isn't that cool? So I manifested this. So two months later, two months later, I signed up to invest in myself into one of her courses, and I had already invested I would say probably like fifteen thousand into my healing at that point and I had already this is it my husband a million times, you know, like.
Speaker 1:I'm going to do this, this is it.
Speaker 2:So he was over it. When I first talked to him about it, when I first saw her, he was like well, manifest the money you know. And I didn't. I didn't have the conviction in me to say I'm worthy. So it took about two months for me to actually go to him and say, like I'm doing this, this is, it's done. And he, I said, do I have your support? Because these were the words I said, I believe in this, do you?
Speaker 2:believe in this. And he said I believe in you. And I was like John. And then I thought I believe in me, you're right. Like, wait a minute. I believe in me.
Speaker 2:I've proven to myself over the last two years that I will show up for myself. I will do the things these mentors say. I paid attention, I did the work, I went all in and I can tell you I am so free, I am so healthy. I love to choose what I'm eating. I decide what I want to eat. Yes, I do gravitate towards things that are high vibration, that make me feel amazing, but if I want to eat a piece of cake with some wheat and egg in it, I'm going to eat it and not be afraid of it. You know, and I'm healthy and it's good.
Speaker 2:I have stepped into this new level of love, this new level of vibrancy, this new level of knowing the power that we have inside of us to create a life that is fulfilling. That is incredible. That is like everything that you could possibly desire for it to be. I'm a magnet for like just incredible experiences, amazing people like yourself. I just love you. I think you're such a light in this world. You really are like an angel, like your voice is just like ah, talk to me, I love you and um, my abundance in all areas of life, like if you want money, if you want travel, if you want time with your children, if you want freedom of expression. It all starts from within. It comes from understanding who we truly are, being very self-aware, connecting yourself with the spiritual part of who you are and then learning how to change that part of your intellect that was programmed and taking action from there. So I just threw up all over you a lot of goodness. So I'm not going to apologize, but like what?
Speaker 1:do you think Seeing people evolve is incredible? Like you, just you start to understand how much power that you have within you and so many people don't give themselves credit for. And just like my own fertility clients and things like that like they, just they listen to exactly what their doctor says and I'm like but listen to you, you don't have to be your diagnosis and that's a really hard thing for them to hear, but I'm like nope, you are incredibly powerful and you have to know that and you have to believe that, because otherwise it's just words. If you don't believe it, but I honestly like goosebumps.
Speaker 2:I was going to just say that I have children all over my body Because if I believed in the diagnoses that the doctors gave me, it's a different subject, but it's the same thing If I had believed them, which I very well could have, because we're very suggestible when we're in a vulnerable state and the doctors aren't meaning to hurt us. They're doing what they believe is right, what they understand, but we are so powerful that they they don't understand, they don't know who we truly are and what we can have. So, yes, you're. You're such a light to these women because you're stopping them from believing the false evidence, the false news, that false reprogrammed consciousness that they can't have what they would love.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's just it's I wish people like that's why I try and do podcasts, that's why I try and do like as much free things out there for people, because it's you know what, from someone that went on two fertility journeys and I didn't feel like I knew anyone and I was like people need to hear that there is so many people that have experienced miscarriage or infertility or secondary infertility, and just you know what you can overcome.
Speaker 2:So so much. You're a beacon of hope for other people. That's how I healed. I healed because I was listening to other people who had healed and I thought, ah, I can relate to them. If they could do it, I could do it. I'm not any better than them, and that's the same for you, with your clients, but it's all about mindset and manifestation tools to start applying right now.
Speaker 1:If you can't, you know, pay for a mindset coach. If you can't, you know what I mean.
Speaker 2:Oh no, I love it. I love the because what happens is when you share your voice, you share your story and you have a platform like this for everyone is they begin to. This was, for me, begin to see themselves in you and think I'm going to take this small step of investing into me in my time. Time is an investment and it's huge, right, like it's important. Your time is something you can't get back. So, taking that first step to listen to even something like this, like pat yourself on the back because this is how I started I absorbed all the free stuff when I, when I first started, this was like before I got injured. Once I got injured, I was willing to put out the money because I thought I was going to die. So it was like, okay, I'm going to give it to the doctors, I'm going to do it this way. But, yeah, you start small, start investing in that time, start listening and build your confidence in what you know you could do and the worthiness will come. And when you understand that this affects every little bitty part of your life and the people's lives around you, money is like it's such a blessing to have it, to be able to invest it, but it's not up to us to figure out the how. And people ask me that all the time. I blessing to have it, to be able to invest it. But it's not up to us to figure out a how. And people ask me that all the time. I don't have it. How do I get it? I want to do it. How do I do it? Well, this is how you do it. Do you want me to speak about that? Should I? Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2:You live in the end, feeling the end picture of what you would love. So, whether it's health, whether it's children, whether it's an incredible relationship, you go into your imagination and think about how does that movie look inside of your life. Now that you have that thing, how do you feel every single day? Like when I was healing, my first coach had me make a list. When you're fully healed, what are you doing? And it was so fun because I was like well, I'm running on the beach with my kids. I am taking dance lessons with my husband. I feel so free. I'm having so much fun. I'm taking those vacations that I never took. Feel so free, I'm having so much fun. I'm taking those vacations that I never took because I didn't think I wanted to spend the money, because once you hit a certain rock bottom, you realize, oh, life is short, I should do all the things right. So I had this awesome list.
Speaker 2:So you make a list of all the things and the way you're going to feel when you have that thing, and then I personally read that list every morning and every night before bed and it's changed the chemistry in my brain, it changed the physiological structure of my body and I literally manifested, aka became aware of different ideas to think from, and therefore different people came into my life, different opportunities, different ways for money to come, and it did. I put $27,000 into myself within three weeks investing that's how strongly my intuition was and we got it back within two months 40 grand. Just, yeah, yes. And the other thing that's really cool is my husband started studying this with me because he was like I don't know what you're doing, but I want some of that, like you're on another level of happy.
Speaker 2:And so he was in this kind of hamster wheel of life with just I'm gonna work this corporate job for forever. I don't hate it, I don't love it, I'm good at it, it's decent. Um, I'll just retire when I'm, you know, 57 and he's 48 now, but he started studying this with me and his passion for real estate and that's that's been there for a long time. It exploded. We bought four houses. Since we've done this, yes, so we manifested 180 grand right after. How did we do it? We did it because we became aware of things that we weren't aware that we could use before, and we got out of the fear and into the faith that we could utilize that for something that we love, and now we have seven homes.
Speaker 1:Wow, katie, that's amazing.
Speaker 2:Amazing Like this permeated into every part of my life. It's we're bursting, and what I can tell you, though, about that is, in in oh five, we had four. We had four properties. In 08, the whole world went to crap. Uh, the real estate market, everything crashed, and we two of those properties went grossly underwater like lost 50 of the value, wow, and so we were in a pickle, to put it really nicely really looking pickle, but so we lived in a lot of fear. So, after all of that, though and we had to let those two properties go after all of that happened, it was like okay, well, we learned our lesson. We're done with real estate. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no. Like we were, we stopped thinking from that, we stopped watching all the fear-mongering and all the things, and we learned from it, and then we grew, and his passion was always there.
Speaker 1:he was just afraid, and it came back, and it's better than ever yeah that's so and all of the points that you've talked about of like your awareness growing and how you know I grew up with this saying like when you're ready, the teacher will appear. Same thing like when you, when your awareness is there, you come in contact with people, places, things that are going to help you grow and expand, and it just oh, I, I seriously have never had so many goosebumps in a conversation, me too.
Speaker 2:It's amazing that spirit, the spirit, is resonated so much with both of us, because this is the light that people need to hear, Like, yes, we go through things really hard, scary things that feel like the end of the world. Yeah, yeah, things that feel like the end of the world, yeah yeah. If we can learn to think, everything is always working out for me. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I'm going to stay in that it will work out for you. The last thing I want to share before I forget and this just came into my mind is when we, what we resist persists.
Speaker 2:We know this one one of the things one of my coaches had me do that helped when I was in tremendous pain. So maybe this is regarding um health thing, maybe it's fertility, whatever it is. She had me journal for seven days, but it ended up being something I did very often. How does this serve me? So how does the pain in all of my limbs serve me? And I just had to journal for five minutes a day and at first I was like what?
Speaker 1:a jerk it doesn't serve me.
Speaker 2:How could she? And you just write out whatever you're thinking yeah, jerk, it doesn't serve me. Like, how could she, you know, and you just write out whatever you're thinking, yeah, and then eventually you start to get into the oh, it's allowing self-care, self-love. I'm actually taking care of myself. I mean, I'm realizing life is short and to embrace the time with my kids and I appreciate my health. Now, wow, I didn't realize my feet mattered. You know what I mean. Like you start to be so grateful for all the little things and then it changes the chemistry of your body, it goes to gratitude. So if there's anyone listening, try that. It's amazing.
Speaker 1:Oh, this has been such a fun conversation. Oh, my heart is like bursting with happiness.
Speaker 2:By the way pardon, this is the first podcast I've ever been on.
Speaker 1:Well, welcome to podcast team.
Speaker 2:Now, in my imagination, I shall say that I have done this many a times and so it's very natural for me. But I've definitely been interviewed live, but never on a podcast. So thank you for letting me be the first.
Speaker 1:You are so welcome, you are such a light and I just remember, like our messages back and forth, when you said, like I want to be on Kathleen's team, and I was, like you can do this, like you can do this and when you messaged me and said you're on Kathleen's team, I was like, oh my gosh, katie, this is, this is so amazing.
Speaker 1:I'm so excited for you and, honestly, like when I said at the beginning like your growth has been exponential and you were a light being to begin with, but like just I'm so serious when I say you emanate love and you emanate light, and I can see why people are like please coach me, please teach me this, because you are an absolute, like love being in this world.
Speaker 2:Oh, thank you, I feel the same way about you. I want to say one last thing. I know I said it was one last thing, but this is one really last thing. This is so good Just came. I didn't get on her team until I decided that I was going to be okay whether I was on her team or not. I had to let go of the outcome because when we feel like we have to have something in order to be whole, we are manifesting the lack of having the thing. So when I decided I'm good enough without being on the team, I'm going to do my own thing it's like I can do this they asked me to be on the team three days later. So that's huge in manifestation. So if you can detach from the outcome and know that you're whole regardless, you trust, you have faith in the journey, it will come.
Speaker 1:What is meant to be will happen. Yes, honestly, it's just. It has been such a pleasure to have you here. It's been. It is so nice to hear your story. It's so nice to see, like, how far you've evolved and the faith that you cultivated, just because you know what.
Speaker 1:I think it's amazing to talk about the contrast that something happened. I know Kathleen shares her story about, like, how she had to have emergency lung surgery. All things that people just think like well, no, like it's a coincidence or it's other things that they want to say. But even even these things, what did they teach you? Because it like being on a fertility journey. I can honestly say I grew a voice and I grew strength and I grew a passion and a mission. No, I don't wish fertility journeys on anyone, but it's what you can cultivate from your experience and what you can turn darkness into light is so powerful and your journey is beautiful and like just the fact that you're here and the fact that you teach and the fact that you do so much, I'm just like, oh, katie, I'm proud of you.
Speaker 2:I'm so proud of you. I have chills all over. I love you, my friend.
Speaker 1:Thank you for having me.
Speaker 2:Thank you for serving the world the way that you do. You are just so important to me and to everyone else, and I love you.
Speaker 1:Thank you, and I love you too. I want to express my deepest gratitude for you tuning in with me today. I am proud of you and I am sending you so much love. I want you to remember that you hold incredible strength and power within you. If this episode resonated with you or you know anyone that would benefit from hearing, please share. And if you haven't done so already, head over to Spotify or Apple and please leave a rating and a review. In love and light, jessica.