The Fertility Mind Podcast
Welcome to my podcast. I share Raw, unfiltered stories of the Infertility world. Throughout the episodes, I share my own success with IVF, and you will hear from my guests about their success in the Fertility world. I will also share tools and techniques of Mindset and Manifestation. I have first-hand experience with how mindset and Manifestation changed the trajectory of my journey. I have since then applied this to every area of my life, and the transformation is beautiful. I know this is just the beginning. This podcast means so much to me because, In 2014, I found myself in the middle of the Fertility world, feeling alone and searching for hope. Everywhere I searched on social media, looking for a connection with others on the same infertility journey, I only found dwindling hope. In 2019, when I entered the Fertility world again, I reached out on social media, but it only seemed worse. It became my mission to spread hope with success stories, have open conversations about medical protocols and create connections. A positive community for others to feel supported, uplifted, and know they are not alone.
The Fertility Mind Podcast
S2 | E9 Doing things A Different Way
Hey, Hey, Welcome Back!This Episode is about doing things a different way. The impact of a program and Coach guiding you along the way to your transformation.
Understanding your habits, behaviours, your environment and conditioning. Let's face it: so much information is available to you, but what you do with it is up to you. Having a coach or mentor changes everything. When left to your vices, it is so easy for our old way of thinking to take over again. Our Paradigms are so strong and running silently behind the scenes.
Fertility Fusion is not only a program to learn and gain information, but it is also applying that information to the study of you. You have me as your coach who lives this material and has used it to create and manifest my three children and a life I'm incredibly proud of. Our community is like-minded people studying themselves and building their desires. It's a safe place to ask questions and feel support.
I know I will see you there.
In Love, Light and GratitudeJessica xxx
Email - jessica@thefertilitymind.com
Website - https://www.thefertilitymind.com
Amazon Store - https://www.amazon.com/author/thefertilitymind
Welcome to the Fertility Mind podcast. I am your host, jessica Friesen, a certified fertility mindset coach, a sound healer and an international best-selling author. My mission for this podcast is to give you weekly episodes where you hear my own success with IVF and how mindset and manifestation changed it all for me. You will also hear from my guests who share their success stories in the fertility world. I want you to know that you are not alone, even when things feel tough and when things feel like they aren't going your way. The tools and techniques you will get in this podcast, I know, can change everything for you too. So thanks for being here with me today and let's dive in. Hello and welcome back. Today we are talking all about doing things a different way. I want to dive right in and I want to ask you how do you feel when you listen to the podcast? The second question is as soon as you're done listening, as soon as you press stop, what goes on in the rest of your day? The reason I'm asking you this? Because I want you to think about this for a minute. I'm sure you feel really good. Maybe you feel inspired, maybe you feel excited, and you're excited to go home and journal, the questions or like, really dive in. But minute by minute, hour by hour, week by week, slowly and surely, you are back in your reality. You are back in your environment, observing your five senses. Those feelings of fear, the feelings of everything is really hard, the feelings of unfairness all of those feelings are right back there with you. Maybe you don't notice it right away, but you will start to notice it because you're noticing I'm having not a great day and my mind keeps going to this, or when I say you're back in your reality. This is what happened to me.
Speaker 1:So back in 2013, when I was smack dab in the middle of my fertility journey, I needed something to divert my thoughts on my drives to my fertility clinic. So I found law of attraction audiobooks. I felt so good when I was listening to them and it was perfect because I would listen to them. I would park the car, I'd go in to my fertility appointment, I'd call my husband and then drive back home and listen and fill myself back up. But as soon as I pressed stop and maybe I had to go to work for that day as soon as I walked into the doors of work, boom, back in reality. Back, observing my five senses back, observing all the things that didn't feel great and maybe if I had an appointment on the weekend again, as soon as I walked in my front door, boom, snap back in my reality. Here you go, I'm observing all my five senses, all of those feelings. Boom, they're there. I'm feeling all the things because maybe you share you know the news with a family member or friends, because you're like, oh, you said you had a fertility appointment this morning, how did it go? And you share it. And as soon as you start sharing it, you start to feel your body go well, there's this. Or maybe you're really excited. But as the day goes on, contrast shows up. Things show up and you've lost everything that you just listened to. This has happened to me. Trust me, guys, this would happen.
Speaker 1:So I started doing something a different way. I started listening to my Law of Attraction audiobooks every single time I was in the car. I started taking this fusing to this like this was my lifeline. I started doing gratitude in the morning and in the evening. I started sending love to every expectant person, every person with a young family. Any time I heard the sound of kids, including my own, when I would tuck my little girls into bed at night, I would really start to think like I get to tuck my own babies into bed too. Very soon, I started employing things and doing things a different way. I even went for my birthday about myself a necklace that said dream, and every time I had to adjust it or I touched it, I would trace the letters dream and I would say I really am dreaming about a healthy pregnancy. And the more I listened to my audiobooks and even got to the point where I could recite the word by word, I would touch it and say I got crystal clear and I'd say I am dreaming of a healthy pregnancy with boy-girl twins. Here's the reality.
Speaker 1:As soon as I manifested my boy-girl twins and at 21 weeks, when we learned, we did our gender reveal and learned that it was boy-girl twins, I let go of my habit. I stopped doing things a different way. I started living in fear again. I started thinking about money. I started thinking about once these babies are here, what are we going to do when I have to go back to work? And I started thinking of the cost to car seats, to cribs, to everything. And my world just started getting dimmer and dimmer.
Speaker 1:However, I still practiced gratitude every single day. I was so grateful because quote unquote I was one of the lucky ones. I felt gratitude that I was having a healthy pregnancy. I felt gratitude they were healthy. I could focus on the gratitude part. I didn't abandon that. But I didn't need to listen to my audio excuse my tongue tie. I didn't need to listen to my law of attraction audio books because I had already manifested it. I didn't need to wear my dream necklace every single day because they were already here. I didn't need to dream about it. They were here. I'm pregnant, I'm feeling them Like. This is amazing. I didn't need to send love every single time. I still did when I remembered to, but I didn't need to do it every single time because I was out of practice, because I already had what it is that I wanted.
Speaker 1:But, like I said, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, all the old fears, all the old habits, all of the old behaviors were creeping in every area of my life. Except the fact that I was pregnant and my husband and I were both so excited about it, everything else was feeling really hard again. I stopped doing things a different way and I allowed this in because I didn't know what it was that I was doing. I was just listening to something and following the rules. I didn't have a coach. It wasn't a program, it was just listening to amazing information. So as soon as I pressed stop or as soon as I stopped doing what I had done, that was different, that worked. Everything came back. All the old programming, all the old things came back.
Speaker 1:And I know this is what's happening to you, because my DMs are filled with this. You guys keep saying this is coming back, this is coming back, and I'll even share with you when I started hearing the words. Like you know and I even say it in my podcast these thoughts are not serving you. I knew this. I knew these thoughts weren't serving me, but they were there. This is why you need a coach and you need a program and you need a community. This is why fertility fusion is right for you.
Speaker 1:Not only do you get a program that gives you information that focuses your thoughts, that gives you tools to employ and new habits to create in a new way of thinking is formed. You have a coach that is your cheerleader. That's me. You have someone that has walked this path that has seen success twice. You have someone who understands how you can conquer your fears, how you can conquer your mind and create a world. You have someone that really, really truly understands this and lives by this. Someone who still continues to study. And I have a coach myself right now. No, I'm not working on my fertility anymore, but I'm working on other areas of my life, because, even though I have these tools, sometimes I don't know how to employ them for the area of my life that I'm trying to work on. That's why even coaches have coaches.
Speaker 1:But I'm telling you, I didn't have the money. When I invested in my first program, thinking into results, I did not have half the money. I didn't have quarter of the money. I did not have any of the money to invest into it. My husband and I had arguments but ultimately I said you and I both know when we employed the secret, if you will, we did something differently. We saw a change, but I tried to re-employ the things that I had learned. But I had grown, I had changed and I didn't really understood what it is. I tried to create new habits but, again, without a coach, my old habits just kept coming back in.
Speaker 1:When I invested in a coach, when I invested in a program, I made this the study of me. I learned how I was showing up, I learned how I was cooperating. I learned different things. Then I had a coach there to remind me and pick out things that I was doing that I didn't see, or asking questions of like are you avoiding this area? I'd be like, yes, then don't. I want you to understand all the coaches that I've invested. None of them went through a fertility journey, but they were able to employ something out of me. That's what I get to do for you because, number one, I'm someone that walked two very different fertility journeys. I am someone that has studied this information and I created this course out of all of the teachings that I have learned. I have incorporated a lot of the books that I truly feel changed my life.
Speaker 1:This is designed to get you thinking. This is designed to get you moving forward, changing the way you're thinking, and you get me. You get me who will talk to you, who will teach you things and who will pick out what's going on. I will pick this out for you in a loving way and remind you how much power you have within you, because I've tried, guys, and my mental game was I'm strong, I can totally do this on my own. Yet every time I've tried to completely do it on my own, yes, I've seen success in things, but then my old habits would come back in.
Speaker 1:It's when I started to do things a different way and truly solidify to my habits and truly solidify to the things differently and doing and learning the study of me. As I grow, I get a whole new set of things I get to learn about myself. As I expand, I get a whole new set of awarenesses. But the thing is is this when I didn't have the money, I still said I will find a way because I put my desire, my goals and my dreams ahead of everything. I said I want this more than anything and I really wanted to manifest my second pregnancy, my third baby. I really wanted to because up until that point I kept trying to use law of attraction from what I had understood. But somehow this habit that I was creating wasn't working and my old paradigms were happening, because it was a different set of paradigms.
Speaker 1:It was a different set of habits and I hadn't understood what I did by just listening to an audiobook or you guys, you're listening to this podcast and you're getting amazing information, but you don't know how to employ it for yourself because you don't have a coach. You're trying to do it on your own and even with that amazing willpower that tells you I can do it and I'm going to prove that I can do this on my own. I'm telling you, when you have the three foundations, which is a program, a coach and then the community of like-minded people that are there for the same reason they're studying themselves and they want to manifest their goals, their desires and their dreams, trust me, you will find the money, because I will tell you every program that I've invested in thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars that I did not have. The money always showed up, and it showed up in very different forms. That's because I said I refuse to give up on my dream. I know how powerful I am and I know that I can do this and I want to do this and I am worthy of this.
Speaker 1:I can tell you I judged the price of things many times. I thought that sounds amazing. It's just not in my wheelhouse right now. But the more I listened to my, attended free master classes or I attended things from my very first coach and then my second coach and now my current coach. I found the money every single time because I knew how important my goals, my dreams and my desires were and I knew that the expansion of me and the study of me, the transformation exists. The transformation exists and this is the beautiful thing.
Speaker 1:So lesson one is all about your vision, Lesson two is all about the how, lesson three is all about your habits and paradigms and lesson four is all about your conscious and subconscious mind and going into full detail and how you get articles, you get homework, you get so many beautiful, beautiful things. I want you to understand that you have everything that it takes, but when you just gain and attain information and you don't know how to employ it, all the old habits, all the old paradigms, all the old way of thinking will always find its way back in. So when you do things a different way, you will see a transformation. But you have to be willing to do the work and you have to be willing to make this a study of you, of how you are employing these tools, how you are doing these things. I want you to really understand how incredible you are and how I am really here to be your cheerleader. I am here to help you transform. I have the tools, I have the program and I've walked this path.
Speaker 1:I'm sending each and every one of you so much light, so much love, and I love you and I'm proud of you. Have an amazing weekend and I will see you in Fertility Fusion. I want to express my deepest gratitude for you tuning in with me today. I am proud of you and I am sending you so much love. I want you to remember that you hold incredible strength and power within you. If this episode resonated with you or you know anyone that would benefit from hearing, please share, and if you haven't done so already, head over to Spotify or Apple and please leave a rating and a review. In Love and Light, Jessica.