The Fertility Mind Podcast
Welcome to my podcast. I share Raw, unfiltered stories of the Infertility world. Throughout the episodes, I share my own success with IVF, and you will hear from my guests about their success in the Fertility world. I will also share tools and techniques of Mindset and Manifestation. I have first-hand experience with how mindset and Manifestation changed the trajectory of my journey. I have since then applied this to every area of my life, and the transformation is beautiful. I know this is just the beginning. This podcast means so much to me because, In 2014, I found myself in the middle of the Fertility world, feeling alone and searching for hope. Everywhere I searched on social media, looking for a connection with others on the same infertility journey, I only found dwindling hope. In 2019, when I entered the Fertility world again, I reached out on social media, but it only seemed worse. It became my mission to spread hope with success stories, have open conversations about medical protocols and create connections. A positive community for others to feel supported, uplifted, and know they are not alone.
The Fertility Mind Podcast
S2 | E6 Emotional Impacts
Hey, Hey Welcome back!
Through this episode, we'll uncover how the intricacies of our emotions and the subtle art of self-reflection can profoundly shape our paths to fulfillment. Together, we'll confront the emotional undertow of significant life milestones and the minute, daily encounters that quietly sculpt our being.
This heartfelt conversation extends to anyone navigating their emotional landscape. We tackle critical questions to unravel the emotional threads that may be weaving a narrative that no longer serves you. It's a call to arms for anyone ready to shed the weight of the past and step boldly into a life that resonates with their innermost desires. By listening, you're not just hearing a story; you're joining a community committed to growth, clarity, and the courage to rewrite the very scripts of our lives.
In Love, Light and Gratitude
Jessica xxx
Email - jessica@thefertilitymind.com
Website - https://www.thefertilitymind.com
Amazon Store - https://www.amazon.com/author/thefertilitymind
Welcome to the Fertility Mind podcast. I am your host, jessica Friesen, a certified fertility mindset coach, a sound healer and an international best-selling author. My mission for this podcast is to give you weekly episodes where you hear my own success with IVF and how mindset and manifestation changed it all for me. You will also hear from my guests who share their success stories in the fertility world. I want you to know that you are not alone. Even when things feel tough and when things feel like they aren't going your way. The tools and techniques you will get in this podcast, I know, can change everything for you too. So thanks for being here with me today and let's dive in. Hello and welcome back.
Speaker 1:Today's episode is all about emotional impacts and I will ask for your grace. I am getting overhead cold, so my voice is a bit nasally and raspy, so my apologies, but I will share this with you. I could not sleep last night because I had this massive calling, this feeling in my body that I needed to get this episode out, and I knew that today's schedule, after my morning reading group, was to edit episode 6, which was habits, and I thought, no, I need to do this and I'm gonna share a little story with you after, but I want to dive in and I want to ask you three questions. So question one do you believe you've experienced emotional impacts, big or small? And I know so many of you right now are gonna be like yes, jessica, I'm on my fertility journey. It's a massive emotional impact. Yes, we'll go into that in a minute, but I want you to think about it and I want you to jot down emotional impacts that you've experienced. If you want, go as deep as you want, keep asking yourself questions, but the point is, ask yourself this question and jot down a few emotional impacts that you've gone through.
Speaker 1:And then question two is I want you to really think how have these emotional impacts that you've just wrote down shaped you, defined you? Or maybe they're still so intertwined in how you show up every day, how you make your decisions, how you feel, and you're not necessarily aware of it? And then, number three I want to ask you the question do you believe that you could rewrite or bless and release these emotional impacts because they're not serving you? And it's okay to write yes, but I don't have time. These are awarenesses, guys, be so honest with yourself. This is getting raw and real with yourself, saying yes, I realize that you know I could do this if I wanted to, but I don't have time, I'm busy. Or you can say yes, I'm excited. I am so in need of understanding where these patterns are, these habits, these emotional impacts are, so I can get them out, so I can start living the life I want. Be raw and real with yourself, guys. This is the point. Be raw and real with yourself.
Speaker 1:So now story time. I just shared with you I couldn't sleep last night that I had to get this episode out. And, guys, I don't believe in coincidences. So this morning, when we were in my reading group, the topic of emotional impacts came up and I thought, oh my gosh, the universe did not want me to sleep last night and knew that I had to get this episode out. And then in my reading group, we told one of the one of the women was sharing an article that she just read about emotional impacts how a woman at a very young age, a school age boy, two little boys were beside her and said something to her and they called her names and 30 years later those words were still playing in the back of her mind continuously and she had to work on 30 years of undoing those words, hearing those words, because it was such an emotional impact on her. So emotional impacts can really show up in a big way, like your fertility journey, and it can show up in small things over and over. And it can also show up in one small thing in a very big way that has carried you through your life.
Speaker 1:So, guys, I have shared with you in season one, in the Bless and Release episode, how I uncovered my unworthiness feeling, and I did that I'm going to give you a real quick Coal's Note version by asking myself very similar questions to what I just asked you at the beginning and I started writing down emotional impacts, from my current one that I was experiencing, my fertility journey, to other things, and I started going in every area of my life like, where are emotional impacts that I might have felt here and there? And then I did the bird's eye view and I looked at the commonality between all of them and I went, holy eff. Unworthiness was in every single one of them and I was not conscious to it. Guys, I did not know that's how I was showing up every day. This quiet, shy, people pleaser version of me would have never thought that I felt unworthy. I knew how I felt, but I didn't always know why I felt that way, and when I uncovered it was like this massive light bulb of I get to change this. Think the universe for this, because now I know, now that I'm aware you can't unknow what you know, and I went to work.
Speaker 1:I want you guys to do the same. I want you to understand how your emotional impacts are showing up for you every single day. I want you I can give you all of these examples of simple little things that were said to me in my childhood, but how I interpreted them and how it kept showing up over and over and over again in multiple different ways left me with this emotional impact. Guys, I know that I was incredibly loved as a kid and, yes, I grew up without money and family members and people around me had more money. So, yeah, a curious kid would ask questions like why do they get to go here and we don't? This wasn't about. This is not a matter of feeling loved by my parents, but I've said this in many episodes now what we label in our mind, our subconscious mind, goes to work to start to show you in every area of your life.
Speaker 1:So a small emotional impact for me started showing up in all different areas of my life over and over and over again, and I kept feeling like why? And as I got older, I started using the words like am I not good enough for this? And this is how I started uncovering it, and I know each and every one of you guys on a fertility journey. My God, it changes you, and I want you to start to think about how it's changed you and then flip the perspective of it. When I first found myself on a fertility journey, I thought I was worthless. I thought so many things and I flipped my perspective. I blessed and released my emotional impacts. I really blessed and released my emotional impacts because I started saying to myself I've learned my strengths. I've learned that these doctors are on my side, helping me do something that I may not be able to do on my own. I have abilities that everyone else does, but I also have a choice to use my superpowers. Instead of being vulnerable as a bad thing, my God me being vulnerable I'm sharing with the world how you can change.
Speaker 1:Some people really can't talk about their fertility journey. Some people are so closed off about it, and that's okay, but I don't feel bad about being vulnerable. Some people struggle in that area. That's an area that I know a lot of people say I wish I could be so vulnerable. I don't like to share my feelings. I'm very closed off with my feelings. My feelings are intimate, they're mine, they're no one else's business. So I've turned vulnerability into a superpower for me instead of a weakness. I learned my utmost strength on my fertility journey. I learned my self-worth. I learned so much about myself. So, as much as my fertility journey was hell, as much as I spent days, weeks, months, years crying I feel like the tears I cried. I could have made an ocean, but I flipped each and every one of those emotional impacts and I found the light in every area.
Speaker 1:I want you to start to think about your emotional impacts, because when you start to know how they've affected you or how they are still affecting you, you can find a way to let them go and you can start to see where your habits lie, which will now be episode 7. I want you to understand absolutely how these emotional impacts have changed you, how they're shaping you or have shaped you, and is there anything kind of your secret self going on under the surface that you're not aware of. How are you labeling yourself? How are you showing up? How are you feeling? These are all beautiful awarenesses. Don't look at these things as overwhelming of. I'm already going through so much emotional stuff. Why do I want to dredge up stuff from the past? Why do I want to dredge up these feelings I'm going through so much? These beautiful awarenesses will lead to so much change within you. These beautiful awarenesses will change you Because, like I said, once you know something, you can't undo knowing it. You can have a choice to do nothing about it, but you will always know once you uncover that.
Speaker 1:When I really uncovered my feeling of unworthiness, every time situations or circumstances or contrast showed up, I felt that immediately and I went huh, I'm not worthy, is not acceptable anymore. I am worthy, and what would a worthy person do? I made those choices because I knew every moment that I lived in the negative, every moment I lived in my circumstances, was another moment that I'm creating my tomorrow, and I wanted my tomorrow to be brighter. I wanted my tomorrow to be happier. I wanted my tomorrow to be so different. So if I lived in my circumstances one more day. One more day was another day, then I would have to go through it again. So what if I could start saying what would a worthy person do? What would a person who is confident, what would a person who is happy, what would a person do if they weren't grieving, if they weren't this, if they weren't that, how would you want to show up, take time and think about that? Guys, I'm sharing this with you because I want you to get thinking.
Speaker 1:With my clients, I go far deeper into all of these topics. My goal like I've shared with you for 2024, is experience. I want you guys to start experiencing things now. I want you guys to take things away from every episode. So if I never get a chance to work with you and this is all that you get, this is still something that's incredible and you will experience an impact from this. If you want more, please reach out. Please contact me. I am here, but I'm sharing these things with you because I really want you to understand.
Speaker 1:I used to hear people say, if I can, you can, and I thought, no, you have something special, or I would start comparing the journey. But then I started really listening to those words and thinking well, if they can, why can't I? Why can't I? And I would say what is something special that they have that I don't? And I'd say, oh well, maybe they don't have a blended family, they don't have as many extracurriculars, or maybe they don't have this or they don't have that. And I thought we're all human. If they can, why can't I? Why am I putting this person or these people on a pedestal in saying that they have something different than me? What if I have the ability to create all of these things, why can't I? Those were magical words for me. Why can't I? So I want you to really think about these things.
Speaker 1:Think about how these emotional impacts are taking over you. How are these emotional impacts defining you? How did they shape your childhood? How did they shape your teens? How are they still shaping your adult years? Are you still carrying something from the past that maybe your parents, a sibling, a kid at school said to you? Can you still carry that with you? How are you carrying that with you and how can you let that go? How can you flip that perspective? Once you understand this, then you get to understand your habits and how you're showing up in your habits every day, and then you also get to understand your choice. I want you guys to really think about this. I am sending you so much love.
Speaker 1:I get emotional when I think about how many people are going through a fertility journey. I get my heart breaks and I think why? Why do we have to go through this? And then I stopped myself and said it's not for me to understand why they have to go through this. But this is my passion and this is my mission to help you understand how much power you hold within you and how much you can take control back, in a way of surrender, to allow the universe to guide you, and to understand that our conditionings, our environment and all of our things have led us here today. But the universe has guided you to be here with me. The universe has guided you to listen to this, to inspire you. So please, journal today. Journal every day for a day, sorry for two days, for three days, for a week, for a month.
Speaker 1:This is a really important one to understand your emotional impacts. It goes back to getting raw and real. It goes back to getting clarity in your mind. It goes back to how you can start creating a new vision for yourself, and it also goes back that you can even feel gratitude that you got to hear this episode and gratitude that you now have awareness for something that you get to change, that you get to take control of, that. You get to start living for you. So I am sending you so much love and so much light and I'm here for you and I'm proud of you. I love you. I want to express my deepest gratitude for you tuning in with me today. I am proud of you and I am sending you so much love. I want you to remember that you hold incredible strength and power within you. If this episode resonated with you or you know anyone that would benefit from hearing, please share, and if you haven't done so already, head over to Spotify or Apple and please leave a rating and a review From Love and Light, jessica.