The Fertility Mind Podcast
Welcome to my podcast. I share Raw, unfiltered stories of the Infertility world. Throughout the episodes, I share my own success with IVF, and you will hear from my guests about their success in the Fertility world. I will also share tools and techniques of Mindset and Manifestation. I have first-hand experience with how mindset and Manifestation changed the trajectory of my journey. I have since then applied this to every area of my life, and the transformation is beautiful. I know this is just the beginning. This podcast means so much to me because, In 2014, I found myself in the middle of the Fertility world, feeling alone and searching for hope. Everywhere I searched on social media, looking for a connection with others on the same infertility journey, I only found dwindling hope. In 2019, when I entered the Fertility world again, I reached out on social media, but it only seemed worse. It became my mission to spread hope with success stories, have open conversations about medical protocols and create connections. A positive community for others to feel supported, uplifted, and know they are not alone.
The Fertility Mind Podcast
S2 | E5 Holding Your Vision
Hey, Hey, Welcome back!
Imagine holding your dreams in the palm of your hand – that's the power of a clear vision for fertility success. I'm Jessica Friesen, and I'm here to guide you through an intimate exploration of how positive visualization can be your ally on the path to parenthood. We kick things off by discussing the importance of daily connection with your vision, emphasizing the emotional resonance and the tiny yet impactful shifts that can bring about a monumental change in your fertility journey. My connection with this topic is deep; it's been a beacon in my own life, and I'm passionate about helping you find that light.
Crafting a vision board can be a profoundly emotional and strategic tool, and this episode is all about harnessing that power. I aim to empower you to dive deep into the details of what you truly aspire to achieve. It's about living in those future moments today and letting them guide you toward the life you're eager to embrace.
And to those of you listening with weary hearts, know that you're not journeying alone. End this episode with a solace-filled message of love and support, extending an open invitation to reach out whenever you need a hand to hold. Sharing the insights from my own growth, I hope to instill a sense of community and inspire you to recognize the strength that resides within. So go ahead, share this episode with someone who might find it a beacon in the dark, and let's continue to grow and support each other, one vision at a time.
In Love, Light and Gratitude
Jessica xxx
Email - jessica@thefertilitymind.com
Website - https://www.thefertilitymind.com
Amazon Store - https://www.amazon.com/author/thefertilitymind
Welcome to the Fertility Mind podcast. I am your host, jessica Friesen, a certified fertility mindset coach, a sound healer and an international best-selling author. My mission for this podcast is to give you weekly episodes where you hear my own success with IVF and how mindset and manifestation changed it all for me. You will also hear from my guests who share their success stories in the fertility world. I want you to know that you are not alone, even when things feel tough and when things feel like they aren't going your way. The tools and techniques you will get in this podcast, I know, can change everything for you too. So thanks for being here with me today and let's dive in Hello and welcome back. Today we are talking about your vision. This is one of my favorite things to talk about, because this is so unique to you, and I get to remind you that you get to take out all of your emotional impacts, all of your environment, all of your upbringing, conditioning, and you get to really be as creative as you want and put in all the excitedness, the happiness, the emotions and the feelings that you want here. So I'm asking you to take away time, genetics, all of those things that you're instantly going to start to come up with that, why this may not happen or why this may not work. Time, money, fear, judgment all of those things they're gone. Now start creating. But before I'm going to get you to do that, this is imperative. I ask you these three questions because this brings you to awareness of how you can create a bigger vision, or a better vision, or a more crystal clear vision, and it also gives you an awareness of how you're showing up for your vision. So the first question I'm going to ask you is how excited are you about your vision? And that answer will depend on where you are. If you are gearing up right now to start a new cycle or start your medications, or you're gearing up to meet your fertility doctor for the first time, you're excited, you're really excited, about your vision. If you just experienced a loss or something unimaginable or just heard news that you were not expecting to hear, you may not be as excited about your vision because you've got a lot of negative or low vibrational emotions. You've got grief, you've got sadness, you've got a lot of things going on. So you may not be as excited about your vision because you just need some time. Maybe you're listening to this episode and this is the first time you've heard anything about your vision, so welcome. But I want you to think about how, if you've never created a vision before, how excited are you about creating a vision that you get to tap into whenever you want? Ask yourself that question if you're new here.
Speaker 1:The second question I want to ask you is how often do you connect to your vision? And if you're new here, ask yourself how often do I want to connect to my vision, how often do you think I can or how often will I connect to my vision? Ask yourself these questions because I really want you to start to think. How often do you connect to your vision? Is it hourly? Is it daily? Is it once every couple of days? Is it whenever you think it could do it, or is it? I've held this vision once I placed my order to Universe Prime and it's just got to deliver, because it's too damn painful to think of this vision.
Speaker 1:I want you to think about how you connect. Again, please do not hold any guilt towards yourself. Do not hold any type of judgment. This is just awareness, because we're going to get you to create an affirmation where you say each day, I'm getting better and better and better in every way, so that maybe you can start to show up 2% better today, 2% today. Better today than you did yesterday. Maybe yesterday was a really off day, but 2% better. Maybe you had a quote that you wrote down, or a quote that you changed your home screen on your phone. So every time you touched your phone you thought of that quote and it empowered you. Something small that brought you joy or empowered you. That's the power of 2% that starts to create a big, big, big, big compound effect. That's another story for another day.
Speaker 1:The last question that I really want to ask you is how do you truly feel about your vision? This is where a lot of clarity comes in If you have this vision. But the true underlying feelings of this vision, like the fog, is getting pretty thick, it's getting pretty dense. Yes, of course you're going to say Jessica, of course I want to have my desired family, of course I want this. Like you see, the things I'm going through If only you knew the things that I was going through. But the idea of this or the thought of this actually coming true is getting fainter and smaller.
Speaker 1:Maybe you are on the opposite end of the spectrum. You say I am so dang excited about my goal and my vision. I am connecting as often as I can, you know, maybe it's every 15 minutes, maybe it's every hour, maybe it's once a day. And then you say my vision is so crystal clear and I am so excited about this vision, and I know this is happening If you're there. Amazing, keep going, seriously, keep going.
Speaker 1:And then I want to have you a guest on my podcast. But I'm telling you the consensus is so many of you are struggling right now and that's why I'm here so many of you are struggling that, yes, you hold this vision, but the actual feeling behind the vision is I don't know if it's going to happen. The chatter is starting to get louder and louder. You're starting to ask yourself how much longer do I have to be on this journey? How much more do I have to go through? How much more am I willing to go through at this point, because it just feels like that vision is getting smaller and smaller and further away. These are really important questions to ask yourself, to really understand, to really understand where you are, and then you get to apply your affirmation in every day. I'm getting better and better in every way, or create your own affirmation. Totally okay with that too, but I want you to start to think about how you are showing up in your vision.
Speaker 1:Why do we hold a vision? And does it not seem cruel to hold a vision when you're going through all of these emotional impacts? Holding your vision will absolutely carry you through harder times. It keeps you connected to your goal. It keeps it at the forefront of your mind, and this is the pure definition of persistence persisting through the hardest of hardest to truly get what it is that you desire.
Speaker 1:Holding your vision. When you are so crystal clear in your vision and I mean I want your vision to consist of your best days, your best week, your best weeks, your best year, your best consecutive years Like, yes, you can base camp, if you will, your visions and start thinking okay, the goal is to get pregnant if you've never hit pregnancy before. Or maybe the goal is to hit a certain part in your pregnancy because you've been pregnant before and you've experienced losses. Maybe the whole point is to hold those babies in your arms. Yes, hold those visions, feel those feelings, get yourself excited. But the worst thing that sometimes happens is you create a vision, a smaller vision, and once you hit that it's amazing. But then you say, now what I have, what I want, and yes, you're living in the moment, you're absorbing everything. But that's when old thinking, old paradigms and old things can take over, because you haven't held on to that point too.
Speaker 1:What does your life look like when babies hear, keep visioning, keep being excited, like, think about, do you want to go to mom and baby groups? Do you want to have a baby shower? Think about what your perfect days will look like with babies. Do you go to an early on center if you have one, where they get to have stimuli, play, free play, and it gets you out of your house. Do you have a nanny that helps you? And I know that sounds funny, but you look at a lot of very wealthy people. They have hired help that they can do all of these things.
Speaker 1:If you're in a financial situation to have that, or if that's something that you desire, because maybe you're also a very career-driven woman and you think about, yes, I want to have a family, but I still love my job, I love my career, I love this. Guys, I'm saying this because this needs to apply to everyone. But whatever feels amazing to you, I want you to call that in, call that in. You're allowed to have all of these things. Do you want to have a bunch of prepped freezer meals so you just get to throw something in the oven and meals are done? Do you want to have a private chef? Do you want to have someone that just comes in and makes the bed, throws in some laundry, cooks some meals and leaves? What do you desire? Go as big as you want and create this vision that feels right for you. Maybe you want to become a stay-at-home mom. Maybe you want to be a working-at-home mom, where maybe you have an MLM business or a coaching business or something that allows you time, flexibility to work at home and earn an income, but you are flexible, 100% to your family. I want you to think about everything that you want and, yes, on your vision board. We'll talk about vision boards for a second.
Speaker 1:There is a huge power behind a written vision board and then creating the picture vision board. I was someone that a past version of me, I was such a perfectionist that before I could create my picture vision board, I needed to know exactly what it was and I wanted it to be so in alignment with my vision. For example, I knew I wanted to manifest twins. So therefore, if I was going to put a stroller on my vision board of the perfect stroller that I could start, I could look at that stroller and then I could vision myself walking in my neighborhood with my twins. I needed a twin stroller. But I would then start going to research well, what twin stroller do I want? And then I'd put a car seat and I thought, okay, well, what car seat do I want? So I was completely taking myself out of the creativity. If you're a perfectionist or you have these things, you totally relate. If you're not, that's okay. So I started creating word vision boards so I could say I want to have on my vision board my car seat, my crib, what my dream nursery looks like, the cottage or area that I want to rent for our first family vacation, to go to the cottage, because we love to rent cottages every year and spend a week at the lake. I wanted my vision board to think of small, for just baby.
Speaker 1:I started creating on my vision board maternity clothes. So I put maternity clothes so then I could eventually Google maternity clothes and make all these fun lists and stuff online and then I could also start finding pictures. So there is a huge, huge power in writing out a list because you're connected to that, you're excited about it, you're feeling like, oh yeah, that would be amazing, yeah, I want to see this on my vision board. Once you have those, you can keep referring back to your word vision board until you find that exact picture that you want and hold that. Some people don't necessarily have to do that step and they go no, right right to the vision, like the picture, vision board. But the whole power, the whole point of having a vision board some people like them, some people don't, but you get to see yourself and tell a story with each picture.
Speaker 1:So when I would look at my maternity clothes, I'd be like, oh my gosh, I can't wait to feel my baby or baby's kick. That is a whole image that I could pull in my mind by looking at maternity clothes. I would look at the stroller and I would start to create that vision of taking the twins or taking my last baby on a walk with my twins. I would start to envision these things because I saw a stroller. I would look at just being on the beach and I would say, oh, here's a picture of amazing sand and I would think about a cottage and being there and going down to the beach every day and coming back for food and having naps and again creating a vision off of one picture. So, yes, when you necessarily think like, oh my gosh, I can't spend half an hour in my mind of all the things that I want, you can look at your vision board and then start to be like, oh my gosh, that would be amazing. Oh my gosh, I can't wait to do that. Oh my gosh, I can't wait to do that. So, yes, there is powers of a vision board.
Speaker 1:I do really honestly love vision boarding and, yeah, I think for me still today, I love to do the word vision board first because it allows me to get excited. And sometimes I can go back to that and be like, oh right, I said I wanted to have this, I completely forgot about it, and then I can go sign pictures and start to think about it. But I live in my imagination as much as I can. Sometimes it's hours when I am cooking food in my kitchen. I don't think of necessarily the kitchen I have right now. I'm thinking of the one in my dream home and I get excited, thinking like how amazing is this that I'm walking into this beautiful kitchen and if I can't see that I've shared with you in an episode?
Speaker 1:If you don't, if you can't really see what your dream kitchen looks like or your nursery looks like, make your vision board and then hold it outside the room of where your nursery would be and then see and be like, okay, now I'm looking at this couch oh, I would put it there. Or a rocking chair oh, I see this crib oh, it would go there. And you can start creating your vision. If you don't consider yourself a visionary, if you will. So I really want you to understand when you get so crystal clear in your vision and you get so excited about your vision and the more you're in there, the more you're like, oh my gosh, this feeling. Your subconscious mind does not know if that is a memory it is recalling or something in the future. It just says, oh, I've experienced this because you have such a strong emotion connected to this. And again, I've said to you in so many episodes well, at least two for sure that I can remember, recall off the top of my head, what you label, your subconscious mind goes to work to find. So, if you're labeling because you're in your vision, how excited you are, your mind is like, oh, yes, like all of these baby stuff, all of this, all of that like it will find ways because it's so connected.
Speaker 1:Now, in last episode I talked about how decisions and your vision can be aligned and how sometimes, when all you're doing is living in your vision, you can start to get intuitive hits. Whether you're exercising, you're out for dinner with your partner or a friend, or maybe you're just at work, maybe you're in the shower. A lot of ideas come to me in the shower. But I want you to understand these ideas because you're so connected to your vision that you can start to say, hey, I'm about to meet with my doctor today, or the next day or in a week or so. What if I ask them this? Or maybe you're expecting a phone call from your fertility doctor or nurse. Can you ask them something? Intuitive ideas come up. Or what if they say something like okay, well, based off of what you've just experienced, based off of blood work, based off of this, this should be the next best thing.
Speaker 1:And if you don't feel aligned, if that doesn't feel aligned to your vision. Say something. And I mean say something because here's the scenario. Say, you have a smaller amount of embryos and you know that you really, really, really hope to have more than one pregnancy. And the other duality part of it is you don't want to go through all of your embryos right away, so maybe your goal was to have multiples and you think, well, I've only got a small amount of embryos, maybe this is what I should do. Yes, maybe. Yeah, we're going to go ahead. We're going to put in one embryo because you know a healthy baby is better than what I desire. That is a logical thing. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, guys. I've even made that exact decision myself before.
Speaker 1:I really understood the power of holding my vision when I held the power of my vision, because I was even advised. And, guys, I am not a medical doctor. I'm not ever advising to go against your medical protocol. I'm not advising you to stop anything. I need to say that because this is on social media. But I am asking you to ask a question what if or what are the chances? Inform yourself, gather the evidence and see what feels better in your alignment with your vision, because I can truly tell you, when I was advised, okay, you, for the first two transfers, you transferred two embryos and they failed. So now for your third transfer, let's just do one.
Speaker 1:That underlying fear for me was so loud, so like, oh my gosh, no, I don't want to run out of embryos, because what if this doesn't take? So if I'm always implanting to but guys, my goal was to have twins. I allowed information to block my vision and I totally made my decision based out of fear, based out of the next logical steps, because I stopped connecting with my vision. The difference is that on my fourth transfer, again, I was advised only do one, only do one. I won against it Because I simply asked myself a question. I said no, I am so crystal clear in my vision and this vision has carried me through loss after loss after loss. This vision has kept me going when my support system had all said stop, don't do this to yourself. How much more money are you going to go into debt? Like it's not working? Maybe you'll get pregnant, naturally, if the timing is right, all the things. But I kept asking myself my vision and then connecting to my decision, and my decision, ultimately, was my choice and I said no, I'm going to implant two embryos this time, we'll reconnect next time, but there's not going to be a next time. That was my verbiage because I was so crystal clear in my vision.
Speaker 1:Now I know, here in Canada I can't speak for the States, but here in Canada if you go through a government funding program, you are only allowed to have one embryo. So if you, if your goal is to have twins, embryos can split guys, you can have identical twins, you like? I mean infinite things can happen. So even though you are only implanting one embryo, you can still hold your vision of twins. Because I can tell you, your logical mind will instinctively like why? I'm only implanting one embryo, so the idea of twins is not happening because I'm doing a government program, I can't have this. So I'm just focusing on a healthy baby. It doesn't mean that. You know, guys, I can honestly say this.
Speaker 1:I have seen over and over and over again so many people that have gone through fertility treatments and had multiples from one egg. I have also seen people that just kept holding on to the vision. They went through IVF, they had one healthy baby and then got pregnant naturally with twins, like I have seen these things, guys. That's why I'm saying no matter what, keep holding on to your vision, because you don't know what Universe Prime has in store for you. You've placed an order, and how it chooses to show up is just you saying very strong in your vision and yes, it does take action. You do always have to have action, but that's why you want to make sure are your decisions in alignment with your vision? And that vision needs to be strong to hold you through, to persist through the harder times, and then you can go back to your. When you connect your vision, you can go back to your decision. Is an alignment? If it's not, how can you make a decision differently that is aligned with your vision?
Speaker 1:Visioning is so exciting. Visioning is where you also get to remind yourself of that feeling of having what it is that you want, when everything around you, in your world is spiraling. You have the power to connect with the vision. You have the choice to connect with your vision. You have everything within you to say you know what I am willing. I am so willing to do whatever it takes. Even though I've experienced the unimaginable, even though I've gone through hell and back, I am willing to do whatever it takes because I know this feeling in my vision feels so good and I know that I'm worthy and I know that I am capable and I know that I am meant to have what I have and what I desire. I know that I am meant to have what it is that I desire. I want you to keep saying that over and over again. I want you to feel this. I want you to hold this. I want you to really listen to this. Guys, the power of your vision holds so much when that vision starts to fade away. If it's still there, that's great, that's amazing. Start shedding more light on that to bring that vision brighter again.
Speaker 1:I know the pain. I know the heartache. I know how frustrating it is to ask yourself why do I have to go through this? Why does someone down the street get to have a baby? They call themselves fertile myrtle and I'm struggling and I really feel like I'm a good person and this is something that I'm willing to do, whatever it takes to have. Don't spend time asking those questions because you may never get those answers. What you do get to hold is your vision and make decisions from that vision. What you do get to do is choose how you show up, choose how you feel. What you do get to do is know that you're worthy, is know that you are capable of having everything that you desire and recommitting to that every day. Recommitting to connecting to your vision and, if it is fading, recommit to making that vision brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter, until it is so crystal clear it is.
Speaker 1:If it's already here right now. I love you. Please know you can message me at any time, dm me, email me. I'm here to help you. This is me on a platter, sharing everything, and the more I grow, the more awarenesses I become in. I share them with you because I truly know how much you guys are struggling. I feel you and I don't want you to struggle, so please, please, please, reach out. I am sending you so much love and I am proud of you for listening. Have an amazing day. I want to express my deepest gratitude for you tuning in with me today. I am proud of you and I am sending you so much love. I want you to remember that you hold incredible strength and power within you. If this episode resonated with you or you know anyone that would benefit from hearing. Please share and if you haven't done so already, head over to Spotify or Apple and please leave a rating and a review. In love and light, jessica.