The Fertility Mind Podcast

S2 | E18 Are you in Receivership?

Jessica Friesen Season 2 Episode 18

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This week's episode illuminates the art of 'receivership,' the crucial act of opening oneself to the desires we yearn to manifest. Dive into the power of unwavering faith, the importance of banishing negative self-talk, and the impact of the law of gestation on achieving your heartfelt goals. 

Let's talk about the daily rituals that can align you with your aspirations. With personal anecdotes on the challenges of shifting old habits, I discuss how journaling, gratitude, and visualization can set the tone of your day and bring you closer to your goals.

In Love, Light and Gratitude
Jessica xxx 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Fertility Mind Podcast. I am your host, jessica Friesen, a certified fertility mindset coach, a sound healer and an international best-selling author. My mission for this podcast is to give you weekly episodes where you hear my own success with IVF and how mindset and manifestation changed it all for me. You will also hear from my guests who share their success stories in the fertility world. I want you to know that you are not alone, even when things feel tough and when things feel like they aren't going your way. The tools and techniques you will get in this podcast, I know, can change everything for you too. So thanks for being here with me today and let's dive in Hello and welcome back. Today I want to talk to you about being in receivership, so I want you to journal are you in receivership, yes or no? Like do you think you're in receivership and why yes or why no? I want you to ask yourself why, after you answer the question, and then I want you to further ask yourself what does receivership mean to you? These are awarenesses for you. These gain clarity, and this is really making this the study of you, because then you can start to think am I in receivership, am I not in receivership. But I will back this up. What do I mean when I say are you in receivership? The long and the short of being in receivership? If you're in receivership, your manifestations are coming to you. Things are happening in an easier ease and flow way, versus a way where you're in a path of constantly feeling resistance. Not being in receivership means your manifestations are not really coming true. So you may be in a place where you're saying you know, I'm doing the mirror work, I'm doing all of my affirmations, I am practicing gratitude, I am journaling, I am visualizing, but I am not receiving my manifestations. It doesn't mean your manifestations aren't on their way to you, because there's such thing as the law of gestation, and that doesn't mean time. The law of gestation means the amount of time it takes you to gather evidence to support what it is that you want. So the law of gestation can be a day, it can be weeks, it can be months, it can be a really long time. There's no specific time frame in the law of gestation, but it's you gathering evidence to support your goals, your desires and dreams. So I will reiterate it doesn't mean that your manifestations aren't coming to you, but when you think about it if you start to think you're doing all the quote-unquote work but it's not working.

Speaker 1:

What new belief are you forming? Do you have faith, like an unwavering faith, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are going to manifest your desired family? Or is it still in just the I hope stage? Or I wish I could have this, but I really don't think I can, or I don't even know if it's possible and the way things are going right now. I don't know, but time keeps passing. I want you to think about that. So that truly means you're not in receivership.

Speaker 1:

Being in receivership is a culmination of your faith, of your goal, wishes and desires, dreams fulfilled. It is having to choose and decide over and over and over to commit to letting go of that negative self-talk. It is truly spending that time visualizing and feeling those feelings and creating what it is that you want and shutting off your five senses and really living in that imagination so you stay tuned into that frequency, where it already exists. It also allows you to raise your vibration. When you are operating at a higher vibration, you are attracting ease and flow things. When you're operating at a negative vibration, things feel more resistive.

Speaker 1:

So here's an example, I was having a conversation with someone and they were sharing with me that they had applied to residence and they were feeling really frustrated because they applied like the day that they were able to apply to residence, like they did it the second. They got the email, they opened it and they registered and there's the only one residence of choice that this person wanted to get into. And they got this email yesterday and they opened it up and said that they were waitlisted and there was another residence that was available but it was a 20 minute bus ride to the campus and it was in a different area of town that they were not interested in being in, you name it. The contrast was presenting itself and I said how would you like to feel? And they said to me well, I'm 30 on the list, so there's 30 people above me. I have two weeks until I have to accept my residency and everything else like that. And they said there's no way that this is going to happen.

Speaker 1:

And I just said then you are not in receivership of this happening because you're focusing on exactly how it can't. You're emotionally charged, using your five senses, creating a feeling, creating an emotion about it, of how, and using your logic. Well, there's 30 people above me, so there's no way that they're going to either drop out or not choose this residence if this was their first choice, or this or this or this. And I said you're right, because that's how you are so emotionally connected. And I said but you know, are you putting yourself in receivership for infinite ways of happening? So I asked them, I said connect to a feeling, what is it that you would really, really, really love? And they said I would really love to be in that residence. I said so then it's done. Feel that, know that, believe that. I said but you can also use the law of gestation, gather some evidence Connecting to this feeling of being able to have all that you want.

Speaker 1:

I said what is it about this residence that you really like? And they said it's a one minute walk to the school, it's apartment style, so there's a kitchenette and there's two bedrooms and a shared bathroom. There's this, there's that. And I said so there's a kitchenette and there's two bedrooms and a shared bathroom. There's this, there's that. And I said what if you could have that in, say, a condo or another apartment building or student housing or different things? What if you could have those things. And I said I don't want you to get so caught up, I just want you to be in the feeling of what that would feel like, because anything is possible. I said you may absolutely get into that residence. And I said you may absolutely get into something far better than you could imagine. Do you believe that? And in all honesty, they said no, I don't believe that that's even possible. And I said then your success is absolutely guaranteed, in a good way and a bad way.

Speaker 1:

When I say that your success is guaranteed if you are in receivership of your goal, meaning you hold your faith, you hold your persistence of working towards that every single day, you shut out the negative noise, you make a decision to recommit to your goal, your desires, your dreams every single day, or your visualizations. You will see things come in ease and flow versus not being in the receivership. You could see I hope you could see and feel that contrast of there's 30 people. No, it's not going to work. I don't want to be in a campus that is a 20 minute bus ride away and it doesn't have the kitchenette option. It doesn't have the meal plan option. I really don't want that. Do you feel that. Do you see that?

Speaker 1:

So I just said connect to what it is that you want. Be open to all possibilities that you could have what you want. Or better, hold that faith I have what I want. Or better, and I said, say that every single day, feel that and when you have the negative thought of like it's not going to happen, just say it's already done. Connect to that feeling of you opening your email saying, congratulations, you got into this residence, or congratulations. You know what Feel that feeling of you opening your email saying congratulations, you got into this residence, or congratulations. You know what Feel that feeling. You have what you want, so I'll keep you updated. But I also I can't do the work for anyone. I can give you the tools you have to do the work. So I can't, I can't, promise that that's going to work out, but I'm holding the faith for this person because I really want them to have what they want. But I also said what if you also hold? The universe is always working out for me. The universe is always working out for me. It may not look the exact way you thought, but what if it could turn out way better than you could have actually ever imagined. This goes same to your fertility. As soon as you have an emotional impact, it can absolutely be very challenging, because I've been there with you with emotional impacts and you think how many more.

Speaker 1:

It sounds easy for me to say, oh, shut off that negative talk, it's fine, go to the place what you want. It takes a committed decision. It takes a committed decision. Please do allow yourself to go through the process, but as you're going through the process, change your words of. The universe has a grand plan, or the universe is always working out for me, as much as right here right now. This is unbelievable, this is devastating, this is crushing. This is not what I would wish upon my worst enemy Say things. I know the universe is always working out for me and I know that my goals and my desires and my dreams are worthy. This is the one that I find I talk about infertility fusion a lot your worthiness.

Speaker 1:

If you don't actually believe that you're worthy of your goal or your desires, you will remain in a non-receivership status. So I want you to picture like big, grand doors. They're literally at the doorstep waiting for you. You have to open the door. But if you don't feel worthy of your goals or your desires or your dreams. They stay at the door, with the door closed. They're so close.

Speaker 1:

I want you to be able to get into receivership by learning to ask yourself questions. What does receivership mean to me? Does receivership mean that you're in receivership because you're at a certain point in your journey that you've been waiting to get at? Does receivership mean that you are keeping yourself, surrendering to all possibilities, but holding that faith and recommitting your decisions every day, to visualize, to journal, to get better and better every single day and to help move yourself through grief, versus always living in your assumptions. Like, really go back to the example of the person. You can see all the reasons why.

Speaker 1:

Quote, unquote, it won't work. But what if it does? We're not trained to look at. But what if it does? And when I talked to you about my grief episode and I was talking to you about sleeping in, and I was talking to you about these other things, when I, yes, every now and then I do allow myself to sleep in because it's really nice. And when I'm on vacation, yes, but I will still find time in that day to make sure I do journaling, to make sure I do my gratitude, to make sure I do some type of reading and visualizing and things that fill my heart, because, like those big doors I just asked you to visualize, it felt like a grieving process to lose that sleep. But at the same time, for me, when I don't do daily practice or I don't do daily studies, it feels like my old paradigms, my old habits are at the doorstep of that big door and if I just open a crack, they're going to come flooding in.

Speaker 1:

Once you know something, you can't unknow it and I have known that when I actually focus on my goals, my desires and my dreams and I study and I do these things, I am a million times closer to my manifestations. I feel different throughout the day. Things are in ease and flow. Yes, contrast will present itself, but even how I move through that contrast is different versus when I say no, I'm deciding I'm going to sleep in, I don't need to do my studies today, I know all this information, I'm fine, and then I feel myself throughout the day. My vibration is lower. I am allowing that outside. You know, circumstances, environment seep in and I notice how my stance is different. I notice how I'm talking out loud feels different. I notice how sometimes I think I'm just gonna become introverted and just know it's fine and I say to myself who is that version? That version that I died to a long time ago? Why does it want to come back? Because I decided to not study. I decided so.

Speaker 1:

When things feel overwhelming, decide that it's not overwhelming, that you are doing something to better yourself, something that's going to help you move towards your goals, your desires and dreams, instead of looking at it like grieving if you will not being able to sleep in. I want you to also understand the grieving process. There was a compilation of a lot of things that were going on and it really felt like just one more thing that I wasn't able to do, that it felt like a grieving process for me. Things were in a lot of turmoil and it was just one more thing that I couldn't do, one more thing that I wasn't allowed to have. I couldn't do one more thing that I wasn't allowed to have, that I was not in receivership of a goal.

Speaker 1:

When you look at it like it's just, it's one more thing that I have to do that may or may not work, think about that. This is why I want you to understand receivership, because a lot of people really think, okay, I'm doing all the work, I'm doing my mindset, I'm doing my manifestation, I'm doing this, I'm doing all the work, I'm doing my mindset, I'm doing my manifestation, I'm doing this, I'm doing that, I'm doing my affirmations, but it's not coming true. So is this hoaxy? Does this actually work? Maybe I know it works for other people because I've been seeing it work for other people, but it's not working for me, or it's not just for me, or you know what?

Speaker 1:

You can start to feel yourself over and over, and over and over again, falling into these negative feedback loops where you keep yourself out of receivership. This is a lesson that I love teaching, and it's taught in Fertility Fusion in far more detail. But I love, love, love giving you guys enough that this can start to spark something different in you, that it can start to do something within you, that you can take the initiative to start to understand where are your underlying thoughts, your dual thoughts. You may think you're feeling positive and that you're doing everything, but what is that inner voice saying? What is that inner voice really feeling?

Speaker 1:

I'm trying all the things to see if it works, but I don't know if manifesting or this actually works for a baby. Sure, maybe you can manifest money, but even then that seems more like coincidences. Think about your thoughts, hear your thoughts. It's not work. I know, sometimes at the beginning it can feel like work, but once you start to create this, this is a habit you actually start to look forward to it because you can see and feel how different your day is. You can turn off your five senses, you can live in what it is that you want, versus living in this place of how nothing is working out. For me, right, it's not, because that is where you're emotionally charged and that is where you're emotionally connected and that is what you are visualizing and feeling and you've tuned into that frequency and you're on that vibration of it doesn't exist and it's not working. You're right, it won't Think about those things.

Speaker 1:

What is stopping you? What is stopping you and find that root? What is stopping you from studying yourself every day? What is stopping you from believing in mindset or manifestation? What is stopping you from bettering yourself? What is stopping you? That is what keeps you from receivership. I love you, I'm proud of you. I really thank you from the bottom of my heart being here and listening to this because you are worthy of every goal and desire and dream that you have. You are worthy to be in receivership. You are worthy. I want to express my deepest gratitude for you tuning in with me today. I am proud of you and I am sending you so much love. I want you to remember that you hold incredible strength and power within you. If this episode resonated with you or you know anyone that would benefit from hearing, please share, and if you haven't done so already, head over to Spotify or Apple and please leave a rating and a review. In love and light, jessica.